NEW YORK – The New York City Fire Department
and the Marines’ Chemical Biological Incident Response Force responded
to a simulated exploded bus, a subway chemical attack, a building
collapse and two IED attacks, April 22.
A FDNY firefighter sprays water on simulated victims of a
chemical attack in the subway, as Marines from the Chemical Biological
Incident Response Force (CBIRF) lead them out of the subway, at FDNY
Fire Academy on Randall's Island, N.Y, April 22. FDNY and Marines from
the Chemical Biological Incident Response Force (CBIRF) joined together
for a training exercise after a weeklong training evolution between the
two units. (U.S. Marine Corps
photo by Sgt. Randall A. Clinton)
The all-day exercise was the culmination of a weeklong training
evolution at FDNY Fire Academy on Randall’s Island pairing Marines and
firefighters. The Chemical Biological Incident Response Force (CBIRF),
based in Indian Head, Md., has a history with the FDNY going back to the
unit’s founding in 1996. Deputy Chief and Marine veteran Raymond
Downey helped develop the original training for the unit. After he died
in the
World Trade Center
rescue effort, their training facility was named after Downey. Full article:
US NorthCom